The Home Rule Charter requires the City Council adopt a Code of Ethics. The Council adopted a code in 2021 and amended it in 2024.
Code of Ethics
Purpose. This Code of Ethics reinforces existing federal, state, local and professional standards of ethical conduct, and related legal requirements by requiring professional development training for individuals acting on behalf of the City.
Training. Elected and appointed officials, board members, and municipal employees and certain vendors shall complete designated hours of professional development training on federal, state and/or local ethics laws, policies and procedures (see table below). This training shall supplement any training required of individuals by federal, state and local laws or by professional associations.
Training shall be completed within ninety (90) days of assuming office; or being hired, respectively. The Council are encouraged to participate in the Texas Municipal League Institute (TMLI) Certification for Local Officials program.
Screening. Candidates for boards and commissions must complete and submit a Board Appointment Form 72 hours before appointment by the Council. This form must be filed in the City Secretary’s Office.
Committee. An Ethics Advisory Committee is established to advise the Council on ethics for public organizations. The Committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. Committee membership shall include one member of each individual class (see table above).
Review. This ordinance shall be reviewed annually by the Committee. The Committee shall report their findings and recommendations to the Council for further action, if necessary.
Penalties. Elected officials failing to comply with this ordinance shall be a assessed a fine of $75.00. Appointed officials, employees or volunteers failing to comply with this ordinance shall be subject to disciplinary action. Committee members may be subjected to removal from their appointed office. Vendors may have contracts voided by the City Manager or the Council.
Ethics Laws
The City must comply with state laws (statutes or codes) as well as local local laws such as the Municipal Home Rule Charter, Ordinances, Personnel Handbook, Accounting Procedures, Purchasing Manual, Administrative Regulations, and Departmental regulations.
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