Municipal Court
Justitia Omnibus
The La Joya Municipal Court's mission is to provide an accessible legal forum for individuals to have their Court matters heard in a fair and efficient manner while providing a high level of integrity, professionalism and customer service.
Azanett Garcia
Court Clerk
In 2022 the Council confirmed the appointment of Azanette Garcia as Municipal Court Clerk.
As authorized by Government Code, Chapter 29, "The clerk shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the court, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the municipal court that a county clerk performs for a county court."

Department Description
Quick Facts
The La Joya Home-Rule Charter approved by voter in 2013 established a Municipal Court "... for the trial of misdemeanor offenses with all powers and duties granted by the laws of the State of Texas."
The Mayor and City Council are authorized to appoint a Presiding Judge "... for a term of four (4) years to run concurrently with the term of office of Mayor. Compensation shall be set by the City Council and may not be reduced during the term of office for which the Judge was appointed. ... In the absence or disability of the Judge, the City Council shall appoint an interim judge to preside over the Municipal Court."
Municipal Court Information
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